Friday, March 26, 2010

Lunch with the cult

I went to lunch today with RP. She's married to a higher up in the church. She's not a likable person. But then...there are times when I'm not either. I wonder why she wants lunch with me. She does it about once a month. I think she likes having someone who's not involved to talk at. But I realized today that she also uses this time to proselytize about the church to me. In fact, she tries to be friendly while she's doing it and tries to make it very friendly.  Yet it sits a little off with me.  Almost like she's trying too hard.  The final push for the day was genealogy.  She wanted me to know how exciting it is to find my family. And do the work for them. I miss the concept, I guess. I won't tell him because then he'll lecture me about genealogy and how important it is. I think she sees it as her home teaching or something.  Her duty to make sure I know what I'm missing and how unfulfilled I should feel. I don't feel unfulfilled. I don't feel like I'm missing anything.  What I do feel is I'm tired of hearing about it.
I feel like I'm being guilted into going to church.  He comes home on the Sundays I don't go and tells me who missed me and asked after me.  One person has made it her mission to call me if I miss it.  I don't like phones. And Wednesday when I was tutoring, the mother asked me if I was quitting.  I feel a bit resentful about it. I wish they would leave me alone.  He said it's because they like me.  And now he's pushing me to be friends with a new member, babysitting for them, and hanging out.  It annoys me. I don't care what he does with his time or who he sees....but he's not allowed to volunteer me.  And then expect me to be okay with it.  Not. Okay.

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