Sunday, August 1, 2010

Coming Home

It was bizarre. I told him last week that I didn't want to go to his church anymore. It wasn't the sacrament part because I could deal with that. It wasn't the people so much because they're people and flawed.  No, it was the classes. Each time I went to the classes, I had to hear how men are better, god has a plan but it doesn't include pain or addiction or anything negative. I had to hear what a woman's job is and how people in the church are so superior compared to those not in the church.
The other day he said that people can go searching through all religions and not find what they're looking for. He said everyone hits a wall and ends up in the LDS church. He made me stop. I was walking out the door. I told him that other religions didn't work for him, that he hit a wall with them, but that doesn't make it all inclusive. He said I was absolutely right. And that is why I no longer go to the LDS church.
Which leads to today. She had to do an extra credit assignment and observe a service of some type. She chose the Orthodox Catholic Church. We drove clear across town to participate in this service. It was going to be 2 hours long. Now we assumed the service would be in Latin since it's supposed to be from the pre-Vatican II time. Instead, it was all in English. They sang every thing. The choir was nice. Most of the service was standing. And there was a lot of crosses/blessings being made. I couldn't keep up. And I lost interest. I have total ADD when it comes to church. I can't sit still or keep quiet. It's a huge flaw. She was all for leaving and so we did. The old guy next to her was giving us the stink eye the whole time anyway and his stink eye followed us out of the building.  We decided we needed food. Now I don't buy anything on Sundays. He disapproves and makes incredible faces and noises. But I threw caution to the wind and we went to The Omelet House. It was the best freakin' omelet ever! We discussed our repentence because we obviously screwed up. So we went to a regular Catholic service.
We drove to Henderson and went to St. Francis of Assisi. Let me tell you. Walking into that church was like coming home. The service rushed to my head so I could participate. The songs felt so familiar. I felt peaceful and refreshed when we left. I haven't felt that in a very long time.
I don't know if I'm going back. I don't know if the Catholic church is what I want. But it's something and I like it. Even with all my bashing. :)


Rob-bear said...

You're one gutsy lady! More power to you.

Where I worship, we ask questions, and get asked questions, and we share answers — and we sing, and pray. "Mainline Protestant" in Canada.

I've had a lot of different religious experiences. For me, if it doesn't "feel right" — it isn't worship, no matter how "religious" it is. Meaning, among other things, it has to make sense to me as a 21st century person.

We in Minnesota said...

Go where you are happy. Be happy. God wants you to be happy.

You know I am LDS. I have had to choose my battles between my religion and my spirituality. My spirituality and relationship with God is what is most important.

It is amazing how many arguments cannot be won over religion.

Good luck.
