Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tithing Terrors

I hate religious discussions. Not even religious because no other religions come into it. But the cult. And tithing has been a hot topic for the last two days. Yesterday, I really laid into him because a family is struggling and was told regardless of the struggles they need to tithe. The blessings of god are directly tied to the tithing and if a person doesn't tithe, they don't get blessings or go into the temple. It feels more greedy than the Catholic church.
So I looked up tithing in the Catholic church. And they don't require it. They require members to support the church however they can: not necessarily money but through service. Which makes a lot more sense to me. I still don't have a love relationship with the Catholic church. I'm not going to suddenly decide how much better it is because there are major issues with it. But some of it is better than the cult. Other parts are just as bad. So it's not like I'm running to the Catholic church, though the urge is there because I do know it. I have a huge wall built against the cult and it annoys me that he keeps saying "when I'm baptized" instead of thinking I never will be. At this time, I just can't do it. And I am the last person someone should talk to about the cult or ask questions. I'm the last person to soothe ruffled feathers. I do tend to make it worse because I am so vocal in my opposition. That being said, I don't think a person who voluntarily joins the cult has the right to complain about the strictures of the cult. If you're not going to investigate it thoroughly and get as many questions answered and as much information as possible before the baptism, then that's on you. Suck it up and deal with it. It's a rant of mine. I absolutely hate hearing people tell me they regret their decision because they didn't know. Or they're upset because there wasn't an instant change.  That's stupid. And annoying. See? I'm not the one to talk to. It reminds of the time I was in Basic Training and went to the hospital to visit a friend. I met a girl there who had fallen down the stairs and wanted to go home but the higher ups said it wasn't life threatening so she would be back to active duty. I told her to call the Red Cross to get a hardship discharge. I told her all the things that were bad about being there (even though I did enjoy it) and convinced her to leave. By the time I left, she was already talking to her mom to go home. I am the wrong person when I feel strongly about something.
Other news--but still cult related--our neighbor has a drinking problem. For the last three years, the girl has accused her dad of abusing her and has told me repeatedly that she wants him gone. He drinks. He does abuse them.  She wants to call the police but won't. So for the last three years, she's told the missionaries about it. She cries. She wails. She has the drama. It's a serious situation. I'm aware of that. I also know that we have given her avenues to get out and she won't take it. I also know that we've spent time with her dad and do our best but we can't forcibly remove her. She won't let us call the police. In the past, the missionaries made a concentrated effort to see her every other day for hours. Totally against policy. The missionaries now, however, called the missionary president who called the bishop who called me. I asked her what she wanted to happen. She said she wants him to go away. She had a talk with the bishop last night who wanted to call the police right then. She said no. Next time. The thing that gets me is that if she really wants to stop or change it, why wouldn't she let the police get involved? Yes it could go badly. But it's a step in a direction. 
As an abused person, I understand her mentality. I also know that I wasn't like her at all. I didn't have the attitude. I was still beaten and locked up but I never gave attitude. I was the pleaser. I know it doesn't matter what attitude a person has: an abuser is going to abuse. I feel at a loss yet this also reinforces why I can't help domestic violence victims. It's frustrating. But maybe now the cult will be more involved in her family and actually teach her parents. The kids are members but the cult has abandoned the parents. Makes no sense.
I'm done ranting. Well, probably not but ranting makes me want cookies and that is just a bad thing. 

1 comment:

Russell Earl Kelly said...

For much more ammunition against tithing, see