Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's okay

In RS,all I heard was blah, blah, blah. I'm sure it was a good lesson and it had to do with their prophet. But it's obvious I don't have a very open mind when it comes to these things. In fact, their prophet and my pope are so similar and I'm disenchanted with the pope. So...

An interesting side note: a woman stood up today to say what helps her get through everything. She said her husband isn't a member and could never understand her want to go to the temple. But..and this is the part that gets to me...he--a nonmember--had to sign off for her to go to the temple. It had to be in writing that it was okay with him--A NONMEMBER--for her to go to the temple. What the heck?????  I'm waiting for him to come home so I can get clarification. Seriously.  And women are superior....idiots.

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