Sunday, March 21, 2010


I am incredibly touchy when it comes to my beliefs. I take offense when my spirituality comes up.  And I take what he says personally.  Last night he said he taught a Wiccan. And then started asking me questions. Now I looked into Wicca. I firmly believe in it but I quit because of him.  How stupid is that?!?!?!  Giving him control like that. I know what I believe. Everytime it comes up, though, he has to equate it with his religion and how his god created everything. I hate that. He doesn't understand why I get upset and I am not sophisticated enough to explain it clearly. I know it annoys me and I end up in tears.  Always.  I feel like I ruin his spiritual high.

I didn't go with him today. I don't want to go. I go because I miss him and it seems like the only way I can be with him. I didn't want to go. I don't really want to go anymore.  I've voiced it before but haven't managed to follow through.  I wish I was stronger and could. 

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