Saturday, July 17, 2010


Today was interesting. I picked up a book about the Catechism of the Catholic Church and started reading it. It is amazing how similar the LDS church and Catholic church are. I did know of some but the more I read that book, the more I became aware of just how much they have in common. The difference is that the C. Church doesn't really bad mouth any other religions because they believe all religions lead back to them. Which is true, in a way. Since the C.C. stole a lot of saints and holidays from other religions. I don't think I'm going to bring this up with him. I don't want to get into a debate and have him try to prove why his church is better. It's not. Neither one is better. So I'm back to the question: why would I trade one for the other when they're so similar? It's crazy. And yet so many Catholics do it and vice versa. Personally, I'll stick to where I'm at. I may go back to the church (C) because it's familiar and it's soothing. I do like the songs and the quiet times to meditate (usually as the priest is praying or during the readings).  Perhaps that is something I'll start to do next Saturday. Yes, I've mentioned it before. But now....I want something of my own. I don't want his. It doesn't change my stance of god or the bible. I may have to confess that. But it is still a base and it's something I know. More thought.

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